Welcome to our reception class
In the Early Years Foundation Stage your child will embark on an incredible learning journey, full of exciting and stimulating experiences that lay firm foundations for the rest of their school life.
The aims of our Early Years Team are to:
- Provide a well-planned and resourced curriculum.
- Meet the emotional, spiritual and educational needs of each child.
- Help children learn and provide opportunities for all children to succeed.
- Provide an atmosphere of care and of feeling valued.
- Encourage each child to become independent.
- We aim to make the children's learning experiences challenging, memorable and enjoyable.
Our Reception children follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum, which is divided into 3 Prime areas and 4 Specific areas:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development is crucial for all young children and is the key to success in all aspects of their lives.
In the area of Communication and Language the children learn to communicate with one another and develop talking, listening, reading and writing skills.
Physical Development includes developing fine and gross motor skills.
Literacy includes reading, writing, phonics and spelling.
In Mathematics the children develop ideas about number, quantity, shape and space.
Understanding the World is about the children being given the opportunity to investigate and understand things and places around them.
Expressive Arts and design includes art, music, dance and imaginative play.
Young children flourish best in an environment which is exciting, stimulating, engaging and full of adults who are interested in them and we know that they learn best from experiences that are suitable for their stage of development.
All children love being outdoors, and the outside curriculum is a very important part of our Early Years education. Secure outside play and learning facilities are provided, enabling independence and problem solving.
Our Early Years Foundation team work closely with parents/carers and welcome their involvement. We recognise that working together has a positive impact on the children's development and learning and always welcome your suggestions and feedback.