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01572 787658 Arbor

Achieve through enjoyment and excellence

“Have love for one another, a tender heart and a humble mind” (1 Peter 3:8)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Uniform Information

Our School Uniform


Our children are proud of their school family identity that the school uniform gives them so we are passionate about having one they can wear.


School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of the school and enables all children to feel a sense of belonging. It instils pride, supports positive behaviour and encourages unity with the school. Importantly, uniform can also protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way. It also looks smart, something our children have told us is important to them.


Sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and T-shirts all have the school emblem embroidered on them and are available to purchase from: My Clothing


The range of items gives you wider choices and you are free to purchase non-logo items of clothing, such as trousers, skirts, white polo shirts, from stockists of your own choice if you prefer a cheaper option. Similarly, we are happy for you to obtain jumpers or cardigans without the logo in the same blue colour as those with a logo on.


Standard Uniform     


Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan 

Blue polo shirt or white shirt / blouse                        

Grey trousers, skirt, pinafore or shorts  

Blue checked/gingham dress for when the weather is warmer

Outdoor fleece                                                         

Black school shoes         


School shoes should be sensible and black; no trainers, strappy or open-toed sandals or croc sandals allowed due to health and safety in school and on the playground.                                                                                               

P.E. Kit


White T-shirt                                                                          

Black shorts

Black jogging trousers for when the weather is cold

School hooded sweatshirt (blue)

Plimsolls (indoor gym and dance)

Trainers for outdoor games

PE bag


Swimming Kit


Swimming costume (one-piece) or trunks (no Swim shorts).

2 Towels: one for drying and one for standing on

Waterproof swimming bag


For some clubs/lessons your child may require football boots, shin pads and mouth guards for enhancing health and safety; parents are advised when details of these clubs are released.


Wellington boots are required for the school field (Autumn/Spring terms only).


Book bags are available from the school office.  Book bags are £4.95 each.  You will be given your first book bag as a gift from the school. If your child requires any replacements, we respectfully ask you to purchase a new one. We hold a small stock of bookbags in school, so let us know using the form below and you will be invoiced via ParentPay.


Please help us by clearly labelling all your child’s clothes and other school items.  It is very difficult to identify items that look the same. We are always very sad that bags of lost clothes are never claimed – it is such a waste of parents money and resources.

Help to purchase school uniforms


We recognise that the cost of uniform can be too expensive for some parents so we encourage you to let us know, as we may have a selection of second-hand items that have been donated. Alternatively, there are a number of websites who offer grants to support with purchasing uniform, for example:


Help to purchase school uniform


Chances for Children


Funding for school uniform

Purchasing book bags from school
