Wellbeing for Parents and Families
At Wymondham CE Primary School, we are committed to supporting you and your family's wellbeing. Here is some information and resources to help support wellbeing at home.
Counselling Directory
Search for a counsellor or psychotherapist near you.
If you're in need of support, search the network to be connected with a professional counsellor or psychotherapist.
Solihull Approach Parenting Courses – NHS Leicestershire Partnership
We are delighted to announce that a range of free online parenting courses are available for all residents of Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland from today. The Solihull Approach courses cover concerns that parents often face with children, from before they are born to early adulthood, including physical and mental health, understanding their feelings and how to build better relationships.
The courses include the same content as you would receive in a typical face-to-face parenting group run by health visitors. They are available in 108 languages, with voiceovers in English and Urdu. Each course has a number of different components, and they can be accessed at any time and any place.
The courses include:
- Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth, and your baby
- Understanding your baby
- Understanding your child - 0-19 years
- Understanding your child with additional needs
- Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your teenager
- Understanding your teenager's brain
- Understanding your brain
- Understanding your child's feelings
- Understanding your child's mental health and wellbeing
- Understanding your relationships
Further courses are currently in development, including a specific course for supporting children and young people with possible neurodevelopmental conditions.
All courses are free to access for anyone with an LLR postcode – it just requires users to create an account to access them – and they are available for the next two years. More details, including how to register and access the courses, are available at: Solihull Approach | Online Courses.
For more information please see here.
Vaping Facts

Stay well this winter

Is my child too ill to attend school?
This is a question we are often asked and sometimes there is no way we can provide an answer specifically, either because we're not doctors or because it's not within our experience. By clicking on the picture below, you will be taken directly to the NHS webpage that may help you make a decision.
In all cases of illness, do keep in touch with the school and if you're ever concerned that your child's illness is of a serious nature, then dial 999.
Speak Out, Stay Safe
The NSPCC have worked with schools over the years to help keep children safe. They have now produced a video, with the help of Ant and Dec, for parents to sit and watch with their children to reinforce key messages we give them at school. You can find the video below.
They have also produced some resources that can be used by parents/carers to enable further discussion whilst doing activities with their children. These are hosted on the NSPCC website at www.nspcc.org.uk/activities.
Other resources are available on NSPCC webpages to support schools and parents/carers or you can go directly to NSPCC Learning.
Online safety hub
The list of resources includes links to their Online Safety Hub where you will find advice and information on a range of different online safety topics including gaming, social media, sharing nudes, parental controls and more.
You will also find online safety information for families of children with additional needs and disabilities. We have worked with Ambitious about Autism and parents and carers who have children with additional needs and disabilities to create activities to help talk about online safety (see links in resources list).
Looking After Your Child's Eyes

Supporting your child with their worries
The Ukraine-helping children cope with world conflict
Are you eligible for additional funding to support your family?
New Update: Picture Books from Parachute to Support Emotional Wellbeing
A Parachute Book is a picture book that helps young children cope with their emotions and deal positively with new experiences, situations and issues.
They deliver comfort, reassurance and acknowledgement to children at times when they need it the most, all wrapped up in the gentle familiarity of a story.
Themes include: anxiety, bereavement, aggression, tantrums, divorce...
Young Minds
Mental Health Support for children and parents.
We are an Operation Encompass School
Diabetes Awareness
Water Safety
All About Asthma
Asthma UK has produced a series of useful documents for pupils that have asthma.
The information is potentially life-saving and we would encourage everyone to read the provided flyers.
Asthma UK has also provided forms to highlight the benefit of having an effective asthma plan, as well as forms to aid response to an asthma attack.
Download the files using the links to the right (or below on mobile), or visit Asthma UK for further information.
More links and guidance for children on their wellbeing page: