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01572 787658 Arbor

Achieve through enjoyment and excellence

“Have love for one another, a tender heart and a humble mind” (1 Peter 3:8)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Our Physical Education Curriculum: Achievement through Enjoyment and Excellence


Our work is planned in accordance with the National Curriculum for Physical Education 2014, which aims to ensure that all children:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.

We are pleased to offer at least 2 hours of sports education as part of our school curriculum, with a variety of other opportunities delivered outside of school hours as our commitment to achieving these aims.


Our sport coaches and staff use the Get Set 4 PE curriculum to teach the Early Learning Goals, KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum outcomes. Children learn a range of sports such as cricket, netball, badminton, handball and tag rugby, as well as dance, a course of gymnastics in the spring term and athletics in the summer term. All sports lessons involve an element of SAQ (Speed Agility and Quickness training) to build up their stamina, as well as practising individual skills, learning fair play and team tactics.



Physical Development in Reception


Physical development in Reception extends beyond P.E to include gross motor and fine motor skills. Children learn skills such as walking, running, skipping, jumping, balancing and spatial awareness. The children develop the gross motor skills that are required to move about safely, with control and coordination. Children also need to develop fine motor skills to enable them to hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing, use a range of small tools, including scissors, paintbrushes and cutlery and to begin to show accuracy and care when drawing. These develop through playing with construction activities, malleable activities and using objects such as cutlery, cars and jigsaws, The children also join in with PE sessions with the coaches and staff.




Our children have the opportunity to participate in inter-school competitions as well as tournaments against groups of other schools in the Belvoir and Melton area. These have also led us to participate in events in wider parts of Leicestershire, including county championships. We enjoy friendlies against our partnership schools.  Some events are held at Belvoir Prior Academy and Longfield Academy in Melton Mowbray. These help to develop confidence, skills and team work.


School sports day


Our annual sports day takes place during the summer term. Parents/carers and friends are invited to watch the children participate in a range of fun, competitive races. In their teams, children compete against each other in the same year groups in races such as object pick-up, egg and spoon, obstacle, sprint and relay.  At the end the children take part in an awards ceremony including team and individual awards.


Before and After School Sports Clubs


We offer free sports club after school each week run by sports coaches. The programme of sports is based on the interests of the children. They have a lot of fun. 



Children in KS2 have weekly swimming lessons during the autumn term. A team of staff and family members help with supervision travel to the Waterfield Leisure Centre in Melton Mowbray where there are two  pools for all abilities. The children are taught by fully qualified swimming instructors. Children work towards specific targets. More able swimmers are taught aspects of survival training, whilst new swimmers are sensitively encouraged to feel safe in the water before learning correct strokes and water skills.
