Parents & Teachers Association (PTA)
Here at Wymondham CE Primary School we have a very enthusiastic and active Parent and Teacher Association (PTA).
All parents are automatically part of the PTA, but if anyone wishes to come along to any of our meetings to get an idea, offer any thoughts or help, please come along, no support is too little. Our meetings are held approximately half termly, sometimes more frequently if there is an event coming up.
We also have friends who come along to meetings and help to organise our events. We keep our meetings as informal as possible whilst still maintaining the requirements and standards of a ParentKind organisation. We usually meet in school, which enables staff to join us.
In recent years we have raised money for:
- Trips to the local Pantomime
- Resources for the EYFS learning environment
Football nets
Bug hotel
Raised beds
Transport costs for school trips, Forest School & residential trips
Some of our fundraising events have included:
- The Christmas and summer Fayre
- Christmas tree collection
- Weekly Cake raffle
We are always looking for new members to help at events. Please contact the school office or any of the PTA members if you think you could help.