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Achieve through enjoyment and excellence

“Have love for one another, a tender heart and a humble mind” (1 Peter 3:8)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Christmas Market

This year we held our annual Christmas Market here at St Peter’s C E Primary School, which has turned out to be a big success thanks to all who attended and helped in all ways whether it was donating for the tombola, helping on the night, or organizing behind the scenes, it is hugely appreciated. 


There was  21 outside company’s who came along and supported us such as:


  • Party light
  • Magic Minx Production
  • Paagan dreams
  • Cherish Her 
  • Usbourne Books
  • And much more.


PAWS run a healthy tombola and hamper raffle, which raised £145.50

Other success was the main raffle raising £310

In total on the night thanks to all involved we have raised a whooping £936.00 

On behalf of PAWS I would like say a big Thank you we raise funds to support the children of St Peter’s and to ensure they have all they need to enhance there learning and provide things such as Forest Schools, Trips, Computers, I pads etc, 

Your funds also recently supported the Victorian day that has just been held, we had someone come in and talk to the children and let them interact with lots of Victorian toys, which enhanced the children’s learning, in return the children had a fantastic day.


Many Thanks

PAWS (Parents at Wymondham School)
