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“Have love for one another, a tender heart and a humble mind” (1 Peter 3:8)

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Coronavirus Update – 17/03/20

Please find below an update from DLAT with the latest information regarding Coronavirus.


We will keep you up to date as and when any further advice becomes available.


Coronavirus Update – 17/03/20


Following the coronavirus announcement by the Prime Minister on Monday 16th March we have continued to review the position with regard to Diocese of Leicester Academies Trust (DLAT) schools.

At this point in time the clear guidance from central government is that schools should remain open. We are abiding by this guidance and in order to make our schools the safest possible environments for pupils and for staff are doing all we can with cleaning regimes in school, and advice to all on how to prevent the spread of infection.

The updated guidance states:
Staff, young people and children should stay at home if they are unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature to avoid spreading infection to others. Otherwise they should attend education or work as normal · if staff, young people or children become unwell on site with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature they should be sent home.
The updated guidance can be found here:

We want to ensure that the education of pupils continues for all who are able to access it but in light of the guidance would ask parents and carers to be vigilant in following the advice above and keep children off school if they showing the symptoms. Where we believe that children are showing the symptoms in school we will contact home so that arrangements can be made for children to be picked up.

Following the announcement on 16th March about groups of people that are at higher risk it is inevitable that some staff will not be able to come into school. We will need to balance the wish to ensure that child are able to continue with their learning with keeping our school environments safe for everyone. This may mean that we have to change the arrangements for some classes in order to make sure that we are using available staff wisely. We ask that you understand our position and are supportive if we have to make changes to classes.

If government advice changes, we will update this note and if we are advised to close schools we will give additional information including how children and families will be supported to continue learning
at home.

Thank you for your support


Russell Andrews
Chief Executive Officer
Diocese of Leicester Academies Trust
